Features At a Glance:

Indirect Fired HVAC Units
Titan Air's indirect-fired units are used for more than just heating a building. The equipment can be built with the ability to ventilate, cool, humidify, as well as make up air. The cabinet is designed specifically for each application, resulting in the smallest footprint reasonable. Numerous control options are available for an indirect-fired unit. Controls available range from simple discharge temperature control to programmable digital control with the capability to interface with building management systems. Other control options include time clocks, indicating lights, and alarms. Mixing dampers, discharge diffusers, cooling coils, and cooling controls are offered as well.
Titan Air's indirect-fired units have unique burner and blower options. The two exchanger types are an in-shot type and drum and tube type exchanger. They both work by transferring heat from a gas flame through a stainless-steel heat exchanger where the airstream is passed over the heat exchanger warming the air. Specific turn down ratios are available with various configurations and combinations of heat exchangers.

Below are standard arrangements. Additional custom arrangements are available upon request.